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International Shipping Policy

Richard Cannon Jewelry offers worldwide international shipping to most countries.

Customs, Duties, Taxes and Other Charges

Orders shipped to addresses outside the USA may be subject to additional charges, taxes or fees which are determined by the local customs office of the destination country. Any import duties, custom fees, taxes or other charges that may be collected for international orders are the responsibility of the customer.

Please contact your local customs office for accurate duty and tax information on international orders.

International Returns

Richard Cannon Jewelry extends the same return policy of 30 days on all orders shipped outside of the USA. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs, duties, VAT and taxes that may be incurred in returning the item(s) back to Richard Cannon Jewelry. We do not accept C.O.D returns.

If any duties, VAT or taxes were paid to the shipping carrier on receipt of the order, it is the customer's responsibility to contact them to request any refunds.

In the event a package is refused at customs by the customer, or if a customer is unavailable to accept the package from the shipping carrier and Richard Cannon Jewelry is charged any return shipping charges, duties, VAT or taxes, the customer will be responsible for all expenses related to the outbound shipment and return of the package. This amount will be deducted from the original sales amount when the refund is applied.

We recommend using UPS or Federal Express to ship the item(s) back to us, however the return carrier to use is at the sole discretion of the customer.

For any questions regarding out products or services, please contact our sales team at